There are many benefits available depending on your circumstances.  Housing benefit if the most imporant housing related benefit and it's important that you seek help if you feel you cannot afford to cover your rental payments.

A list of benefits available can be found at

Contact Jobcentre Plus to claim for the following benefits:

Employment and Support Allowance
Income Support
Jobseeker’s Allowance
Universal Credit


Jobcentre Plus
Telephone: 0800 055 6688
Textphone: 0800 023 4888
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
If you’re claiming Pension Credit
Contact the Pension Service to claim Housing Benefit with your claim for Pension Credit.


The Pension Service will send details of your claims for Housing Benefit to your council.

Pension Service
Telephone: 0800 99 1234
Textphone: 0800 169 0133
Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm
Saturday, 9am to 1pm
If you’re not claiming other benefits