The Housing Act 1996 requires every local authority to develop and publish an allocations policy for determining the priorities and detailing the procedures to be followed in allocating social/affordable housing. Recent legislation has allowed authorities more freedom to determine policies that best meet local circumstances and priorities, within the constraints set out in the Housing Act 1996, as amended.
Whilst Herefordshire Council does now own any housing stock, it works in partnership with housing associations operating in the county to address housing need through the allocation of social/affordable housing.
Although, the Council's allocation policy is used to determine the priorities when assessing applications for properties advertised on behalf of our partners, (through choice based lettings - Home Point), the individual housing associations have their own lettings policies. These will include any additional exclusion criteria and will be used to review the bids against, before they make an offer of accommodation. Applicants should therefore read the individual policies so they are clear about any exclusions before bidding.