Adapted housing provides people with properties that are adapted to meet their needs, enabling them to maintain an independent lifestyle. Adaptations can include:

  • Wet rooms
  • Stair lifts
  • Widened doorways
  • Ramps
  • Grab rails
  • Walk in showers


If you are finding if difficult to manage living at home, it may be possible to assist you in adapting your home so that it is suitable for your independant needs.

Adaptations are changes that can be made to your current home to help you overcome practical difficulties with your daily activities and can range from small pieces of equipment to major works e.g. additional rooms, stair lifts.

If you are applying as you are seeking e.g ground floor accommodation,  an OT report will not be necessary but medical evidence should be provided.  This can be a summary of your medical notes available from your GP or existing medical diagnosis correspondence.

If you require alternative adapted accommodation Home Point will require supporting medical evidence by means of an up to date Occupational Therapist's report.   Any medical report should provide details of why you are unable to manage in your current accomodation together with what changes are recommended.

The OT report can be obtained by either of the following routes:- 

  • Contact the Herefordshire Council's Advice and Referral Team on 01432 260101 (Option1) and discuss your needs.  If they feel that further assistance can be provided, then they are likely to arrange for a Occupational Therapist Assessment (OT report).  Once you have received the report, provide a copy to Home Point.
  • Contact your GP and discuss your needs.  If they feel that further assistance can be provided, they will make the referral for the OT report.
  • Contact your landlord, if you are currently a housing association tenant and they can make a referral.
  • Home Improvement Agency to discuss the process and  make a referral if appropriate. Telephone 01432 260757

If the property cannot be adapted as recommended in the OT report  you may need to complete the on line application form to register (and provide the supporting documents).

If you are currently in Hospital and unable to be discharged as your current home is not suitable you are advised to contact the Housing Triage Service by calling 01432 261546 or 261547 during the hours of 10.00am - 4.00pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).  Alternatively, you can contact the Hospital Discharge Worker on 01432 260772 for advice and assistance.

General medical needs - you are required to provide medical evidence to confirm you medical condition and also how your current home is affecting this condition.  This can be exisiting medical letters of diagnosis or you can provide a copy of the Summary of medical needs available from your GP.